Hippus N.V.-HandShoe Mouse

Stationsstraat 1-K, 2371 SH Roelofarendsveen

Product Categories

06 Information and communication technology
06.02 IT infrastructure / computer hardware / mHealth
IT infrastructure / computer hardware / mHealth

HandShoe Mouse
1 Product

06 Information and communication technology
06.02 IT infrastructure / computer hardware / mHealth
06.02.16 Computer peripherals and accessories
Computer peripherals and accessories

HandShoe Mouse
1 Product

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Company details
Did you know that one in six workers are suffering from some form of RSI or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, mostly related to intensive use of a traditional computer mouse?
The HandShoe Mouse has been developed by a Dutch medical university and has been tested in a number of large organisations for almost two years. During these tests we saw many people who were suffering from RSI or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, returning to work.

The reason is that the unique and patented shape of the HandShoe Mouse fully supports your hand in the ideal relaxed position and prevents gripping and pinching, which is what occurs when you use a standard mouse.

Comes in different sizes
Depending on the size of your hand
Available for Right and Left Hand
You Can Even Use Both at the Same Time
Wired or Wireless Version
Communication via Unique RF Signal

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Helvoet BV
GTE-engineering BV
Group Med International B.V.
GCX Corporation
G. Brans Beneware Benelux

IGS GeboJagema
Imbema SMT B.V.
IMS Medical B.V.
Indes BV