K-Taping Academy GmbH

Hagener Str. 428, 44229 Dortmund
Telephone +49 231 9767300
Fax +49 231 731277

Product Categories

07 Medical Services and Publications
07.02 Further education and training
Further education and training

K-Taping Pro
K-Taping paediatrics
2 Products

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Company details
K-Taping International Academy
The K-Taping Academy offers internationally standardised training, certification upon completion of courses and is a professional partner on completion of training through its specialist forum, list of therapists, mentoring and much more.

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K-Active Europe GmbH
JVS Sales & Technical Consultants GmbH
Jungbrunnen – Fountain of Youth GmbH
Jüke Systemtechnik GmbH
Jörg & Sohn GmbH

K.-H. Dewert GmbH Stahlrohrmöbelfabrikation
Kählig Antriebstechnik GmbH
Kalamed GmbH Medical Systems
Karl Hecht GmbH & Co KG Assistent Glaswarenfabrik
Karl Heck GmbH