Multiphoton Optics GmbH

Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 15, 97076 Würzburg
Telephone +49 931 299958-90


Company details
Multiphoton Optics’ technology uses ultra-short pulsed laser light as manufacturing tool. The technology is based on a two- or multiple photon absorption (TPA / MPA) process in case of additive fabrication, initiated by ultra-short laser pulses. Due to the nature of the non-linear process, the intensity is only high enough to initiate a reaction in a material in the strongly confined focal volume. The method is known as High-Precision 3D Printing on a sub-micrometer scale, where structures are created in the additive mode in photo-responsive materials such as polymers, hybrid polymers, or special glasses.

Dependent on the underlying material to be processed, this confinement cannot only be used for additive, but also for subtractive fabrication. A large variety of different materials can be processed by making use of the specific nature of the processes enabled by a femtosecond light source, also allowing to create structures in metals with very high precision.

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